** 10/1/2002 (10:44:05 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: huraraiia!!!
Aspkin01: ?
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: ChimpNtheBug: huraraiia!!!
Aspkin01: ?
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: ChimpNtheBug: huraraiia!!!
Aspkin01: ?
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: thirsty...aksfkaafffkk
ChimpNtheBug: hungry....a.g v;LVGWEkjpa;LA,MG
ChimpNtheBug: i rented robotech on XBOX
ChimpNtheBug: haven't tried it yet
ChimpNtheBug: me and marcus are conversing to take your asssspkin on at cs
Aspkin01: adf
ChimpNtheBug: 2vq
ChimpNtheBug: 2v1 rather
Aspkin01: nothing
Aspkin01: you guys are nothing
Aspkin01: bring it
ChimpNtheBug: ...
ChimpNtheBug: aight...
ChimpNtheBug: what's my ip?
Aspkin01: lol
Aspkin01: findit
ChimpNtheBug: how?
Aspkin01: my computer
Aspkin01: networks
ChimpNtheBug: XP....
Aspkin01: control panel
Aspkin01: network
Aspkin01: doubleclick
Aspkin01: is that it
Aspkin01: gogogo
ChimpNtheBug: see ya
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 10:49:28 PM.
** 10/1/2002 (11:32:23 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: ass
Auto response from Aspkin01: I am away from my computer right now.
** 10/1/2002 (11:32:35 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: were even
ChimpNtheBug: ?
ChimpNtheBug: how so?
Aspkin01: i kill you, you kill me
ChimpNtheBug: you hax
Aspkin01: your lucky
ChimpNtheBug: so we're even..
ChimpNtheBug: lo
ChimpNtheBug: l
Aspkin01: steven
ChimpNtheBug: ogc.... 6.13 is it now?
Aspkin01: dunno
ChimpNtheBug: what u use?
Aspkin01: let me show you
ChimpNtheBug: XQZ?
Aspkin01 wants to directly connect.
ChimpNtheBug is now directly connected.
ChimpNtheBug: oh oh!! show me the screenies!!
ChimpNtheBug: well ima go shower right quick.. leave me any messages, files, or screenies.. be back in a few
Aspkin01: the red and blue dots
ChimpNtheBug: which one is that?
Aspkin01: ak
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: its called ak
ChimpNtheBug: wow
ChimpNtheBug: not detected by all that anti hack shit?
Aspkin01: works on all servers
Aspkin01: not detected
ChimpNtheBug: shweet
ChimpNtheBug: send me files
Aspkin01: k
ChimpNtheBug: is it easy to delete?
** 10/2/2002 (12:13:51 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: back
Aspkin01: ljhkluhulkj
Aspkin01: me 2
Aspkin01: my fixed my comp
ChimpNtheBug: ?
ChimpNtheBug: ??
Aspkin01: a losse wire
Aspkin01: its was getting slow, and then crashed
ChimpNtheBug: coo
Aspkin01: loose
Aspkin01: ;alkjsd
ChimpNtheBug: that you fixed it i mean
Aspkin01: do you know html
Aspkin01: flash or fireworks
ChimpNtheBug: nope
ChimpNtheBug: hey, you just click ak15, and it starts auto.
Aspkin01: its going to ask you where hl.exe is
ChimpNtheBug: it didn't
Aspkin01: then after that eyah
ChimpNtheBug: just booted up cs
Aspkin01: or not
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: have you triedit
ChimpNtheBug: no
ChimpNtheBug: i'm going to though
ChimpNtheBug: wanna get on with me?
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: on teh server
Aspkin01: ip
ChimpNtheBug: which server?
ChimpNtheBug: so what does haxor do?
Aspkin01: i'll find one
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: so we can cheat and kill alot of people, one sec, dotn message me
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: bah
Aspkin01: "dotn message me"
ChimpNtheBug: k
Auto response from Aspkin01: afk brb
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: super fast server
ChimpNtheBug: k...
Auto response from Aspkin01: cs
ChimpNtheBug: they wont catch us?
Aspkin01: hah if youdont make it obvious
ChimpNtheBug: k
ChimpNtheBug: bye
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 12:25:26 AM.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 12:26:04 AM.
ChimpNtheBug: HEY!!!
Auto response from Aspkin01: Playing Cs
ChimpNtheBug: it's not working
ChimpNtheBug: i can't start it
ChimpNtheBug: it says "the openGL mode is not supported by your card
Aspkin01: ??
ChimpNtheBug: thats' waht it says
Aspkin01: oh
ChimpNtheBug: what the hell!
Aspkin01: you have to set
Aspkin01: your settings in hl
Aspkin01: is you video already opengl?
ChimpNtheBug: yes
Aspkin01: default
ChimpNtheBug: i thought so
ChimpNtheBug: is there a site to DL ak15?
ChimpNtheBug: cuz it just put the files in my AIM folder
Aspkin01: yeah one sec
ChimpNtheBug: mixed in with other stuff
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: the site is closed
ChimpNtheBug: aww... gay
Aspkin01: you type fast
ChimpNtheBug: i know
ChimpNtheBug: thanks
Aspkin01: omg
ChimpNtheBug: what?
Aspkin01: fast
ChimpNtheBug: it prolly says "typing", then you see the text, right?
ChimpNtheBug: like the quickness
Aspkin01: yeah
Aspkin01: ;adjf
Aspkin01: gogo
Aspkin01: try it again
ChimpNtheBug: i just did
Aspkin01: no work
ChimpNtheBug: no work
Aspkin01: weird
Aspkin01: one sec
ChimpNtheBug: i dont need to put a new ogl file anywhere
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: no
Aspkin01: mines opengl default 8*6
ChimpNtheBug: lemme try again.. brb
ChimpNtheBug: woa... major glichiness.. gotta restart... brb
Aspkin01: k
ChimpNtheBug: nm
ChimpNtheBug: that was wierd...
ChimpNtheBug: my background is gone
Aspkin01: http://www.janiz123.no-ip.com/wbboard/portal_database.php?action=dl&fid=33&cid=2&styleid=4&sid=376ae7ded47283afa703a721e4f4652c
Aspkin01: try that
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: oajfpjasd
Aspkin01: laskjflaksjf
Aspkin01: asdflkjasdf
Aspkin01: i know why it dosent work!!
Aspkin01: it will work now
Aspkin01: if you try it
ChimpNtheBug: what happened?
Aspkin01: did you try it
Aspkin01: try it!@
ChimpNtheBug: go there.. lemme see
ChimpNtheBug: bye
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 12:35:38 AM.
** 10/2/2002 (12:55:46 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: weird...
Aspkin01: WTF
Aspkin01: happened
ChimpNtheBug: i got a headshot with a scout on accident..
ChimpNtheBug: i didn't even press fire...
ChimpNtheBug: how's that hack work, anyway?
Aspkin01: ?
Aspkin01: the one i have is not that one
ChimpNtheBug: aside from the blocks
ChimpNtheBug: what do you have?
Aspkin01: thast another hack, havent tried it
Aspkin01: nothing taht works
ChimpNtheBug: the hk1.5 is the one that u use?
Aspkin01: on everyserver
Aspkin01: not the one i gave you
Aspkin01: i have an english version of it
ChimpNtheBug: oh
Aspkin01: hey
ChimpNtheBug: ....
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: one sec
ChimpNtheBug: k
Aspkin01: in the ak folder, the .ini file, what does it say
ChimpNtheBug: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe
-game cstrike
Aspkin01: oh wel
Aspkin01: l
Aspkin01: my says the same
Aspkin01: is that the one i gave you the link to
ChimpNtheBug: yes
ChimpNtheBug: i like ogc better
Aspkin01: ogc dosent work
ChimpNtheBug: oh
ChimpNtheBug: i haven't used it since about a year ago.
ChimpNtheBug: does it still exist?
Aspkin01: yeah
Aspkin01: they try it update it but sierra is too fast
ChimpNtheBug: that sucks
Aspkin01: its like ogc 10
Aspkin01: now
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: wow
ChimpNtheBug: so do you EVER play unhaxored?
Aspkin01: yeah, but i get pissed when people hack, so i hack
ChimpNtheBug: haha
ChimpNtheBug: are you any good?
Aspkin01: yeah
Aspkin01: hell good
Aspkin01: ask marcus
ChimpNtheBug: ....
ChimpNtheBug: i'm good
Aspkin01: a
ChimpNtheBug: so you're "hell" good?
Aspkin01: helala
Aspkin01: a;lskj
Aspkin01: a;lskjf
Aspkin01: so did the hack work
ChimpNtheBug: yeh
ChimpNtheBug: it's just wierd
Aspkin01: what did it do
Aspkin01: auto fire headshot
Aspkin01: lol
Aspkin01: lets goo again
Aspkin01: same server
ChimpNtheBug: ?
ChimpNtheBug: again?
ChimpNtheBug: can't
Aspkin01: bah
ChimpNtheBug: gotta watch movie
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: what movie
ChimpNtheBug: frailty
Aspkin01: sucks
Aspkin01: alright, later
ChimpNtheBug: really?
Aspkin01: its a weird movie
** 10/2/2002 (1:03:27 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: what is ricochet?
Aspkin01: ?
Aspkin01: mod?
ChimpNtheBug: Half life ricochet
Aspkin01: its alright
Aspkin01: totaly differnt from any other mod, not a dod
Aspkin01: t
ChimpNtheBug: oh i c
** 10/2/2002 (1:07:18 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: any good mods out?
ChimpNtheBug: did you ever play snow wars?
ChimpNtheBug: i love that mod
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: no..
ChimpNtheBug: its fun
ChimpNtheBug: you throw snow balls at each other
ChimpNtheBug: it's great
Aspkin01: hah
ChimpNtheBug: great fun
Aspkin01: fun
ChimpNtheBug: watch this
Aspkin01: dod is alright
ChimpNtheBug: www.planethalflife.com
ChimpNtheBug: that's how much i go there
ChimpNtheBug: can type it in under 2 seconds
ChimpNtheBug: hehe... i ownz joo
** 10/2/2002 (1:10:05 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: lood for cs map de_predator
ChimpNtheBug: it's cool
Aspkin01: i never played t
ChimpNtheBug: look for it
ChimpNtheBug: hehe
ChimpNtheBug: now!!
ChimpNtheBug: jk
ChimpNtheBug: they have a counterstrike CTF....
Aspkin01: realllys
** 10/2/2002 (1:12:43 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: yeh, it's a mod... wonder how it is
ChimpNtheBug: did you ever played beta 5,6,or 7 cs?
Aspkin01: ah i think so
** 10/2/2002 (1:14:43 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: heh
Aspkin01: eh?
ChimpNtheBug: ?
ChimpNtheBug: jkkj
** 10/2/2002 (5:48:00 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: sup foo
ChimpNtheBug: where marcus be?
Aspkin01: dunno whay'
ChimpNtheBug: cs
Aspkin01: now..
Aspkin01: hey did you get the hack to work
ChimpNtheBug: kinda
ChimpNtheBug: but i can't use havks
ChimpNtheBug: hacks
Aspkin01: i tried it, it works
ChimpNtheBug: i'm just good
ChimpNtheBug: which one?
ChimpNtheBug: oh, ak?
Aspkin01: the one i gave youi the link to
Aspkin01: not the folder i gave you
ChimpNtheBug: oh, i didnt' dl the one you gave the link for
ChimpNtheBug: i dont think
Aspkin01: bah
Aspkin01: that one works
Aspkin01: the other does not
ChimpNtheBug: oh, i tried that one
ChimpNtheBug: it did work
ChimpNtheBug: changes players gama
ChimpNtheBug: gamma
ChimpNtheBug: and the boxes
Aspkin01: oh
Aspkin01: okay
Aspkin01: just didnt work for marcus
ChimpNtheBug: i couldn't figure out the box over the head deal
Aspkin01: nothing works for marcus, ppooor marcus
Aspkin01: what do you mean
ChimpNtheBug: or the random "head shots"
Aspkin01: you can see the boxes through wzlls
ChimpNtheBug: lets play WITHOUT haxors
ChimpNtheBug: show me what you can do
Aspkin01: without..
ChimpNtheBug: without.
ChimpNtheBug: whay
Aspkin01: okay but you have to take it easy on me, let me get used to it again
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: alright
ChimpNtheBug: got my ip?
Aspkin01: neg
ChimpNtheBug: lemme get it
Aspkin01: l;kj
Aspkin01: i got it
Aspkin01: googogo
ChimpNtheBug: what is it?
Aspkin01: i have it saved
Aspkin01: on cs
ChimpNtheBug: wait
ChimpNtheBug: seein if david want sto play
Aspkin01: k
Aspkin01: hey
Aspkin01: how long
ChimpNtheBug: now
ChimpNtheBug: go go go
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 5:53:49 PM.
Aspkin01: k
Previous message was not received by ChimpNtheBug because of error: User ChimpNtheBug is not available.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 6:19:44 PM.
** 10/2/2002 (6:19:57 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: was fixing something
ChimpNtheBug: OH, OK
Aspkin01: brightness
ChimpNtheBug: lol.... ak bright?
Aspkin01: ak is bright
Aspkin01: but when no useing ak, its very dark
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: serious
** 10/2/2002 (6:21:36 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: jen is bitchin on the phone
Aspkin01: emk, making a webpage
** 10/2/2002 (6:21:53 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: about what?
Aspkin01: random things
ChimpNtheBug: i c
Aspkin01: cs, hacks, alot of pictures
ChimpNtheBug: haha
Aspkin01: ss
Aspkin01: sc
ChimpNtheBug: got a betA?
Aspkin01: ?
Aspkin01: no
ChimpNtheBug: oh
Aspkin01: iso
Aspkin01: make~
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: i want a new xbox game...
Aspkin01: i want to be able to rent and play games
Aspkin01: with my controler
ChimpNtheBug: why cant you?
ChimpNtheBug: haahahaa
ChimpNtheBug: i would tell you to try ghost recon... but i dont think you'd like it cuz it's slow and more of a tactical fps
Aspkin01: i dont think i would like it either
ChimpNtheBug: senor elite haxor
ChimpNtheBug: oh, i got a good haxor server... they talk a lot of shit when you kill them
Auto response from Aspkin01: I am away from my computer right now.
ChimpNtheBug: i beat them without the hax, but they were pissing me off
ChimpNtheBug: this guy killed me with a jumping headshot with a scout
ChimpNtheBug: and i said "lucky shot
ChimpNtheBug: so he kept talking aaalll game about "was that luck" and is that luck
Aspkin01: lucky shot
ChimpNtheBug: yep
ChimpNtheBug: are you hack searching???
Aspkin01: no making new email accouts, paypal, and websites
ChimpNtheBug: i think ogc was the best hack ever made
Aspkin01: yeah it was
Aspkin01: WAS
ChimpNtheBug: so they dont have an updated version?
Aspkin01: not yet
Aspkin01: bah
Aspkin01: i'll make links to good hacks on my stie
Aspkin01: site
Aspkin01: i know some good ones
ChimpNtheBug: i want to mess around with some
ChimpNtheBug: found ogc 10.1....
Aspkin01: ooo
Aspkin01: tryi t
ChimpNtheBug: sec
ChimpNtheBug: this one's so complicated.... POS
Aspkin01: lol
ChimpNtheBug: put this file here, press taht, put your finger there.. blah blah
d � � � p
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ChimpNtheBug: ...
Aspkin01: something i saw
/ �/)
/� /
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Aspkin01: another one
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 6:48:47 PM.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 6:51:21 PM.
ChimpNtheBug: kommen to my server realy quick
Aspkin01: i have to go in a min
ChimpNtheBug: k
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 6:51:59 PM.
** 10/2/2002 (7:56:26 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: back so soon?
Aspkin01: i was gone for liek 30mins
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: i know
ChimpNtheBug: wanna have a haxor match?
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: nah
ChimpNtheBug: bah
Aspkin01: trying to work on webpage
ChimpNtheBug: coo
Aspkin01: going to add lots of picturecs soon
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 8:00:40 PM.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 8:08:23 PM.
** 10/2/2002 (10:38:15 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: fucking gay fucking luck shit fucking asshole!!!
ChimpNtheBug: whacha doin
Aspkin01: making webpage
ChimpNtheBug: how's that going?
Aspkin01: slow
ChimpNtheBug: do you ever play any other mods?
Aspkin01: not really
ChimpNtheBug: http://www.theaxeeffect.com/jump/
ChimpNtheBug: got any good porn?
Aspkin01: haha
ChimpNtheBug: whay...
Aspkin01: kazza
Aspkin01: kazaa
ChimpNtheBug: well i know... but it's easier if you have some
ChimpNtheBug: then i dont have to "search"
ChimpNtheBug: just "recieve"
ChimpNtheBug: hehe
Aspkin01: lol
ChimpNtheBug: hey, cold's on
ChimpNtheBug: brrrr
** 10/2/2002 (11:02:34 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: u owned me?
ChimpNtheBug: hah!!
Aspkin01: ?
ChimpNtheBug: are u gonna use hax, or play right this time?
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: wath are you takingabout
ChimpNtheBug: wath are YOU talking about
Aspkin01: areyouplaying
ChimpNtheBug: yes
ChimpNtheBug: u?
** 10/2/2002 (11:44:08 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: ownage
Auto response from ChimpNtheBug: cs
** 10/3/2002 (12:11:11 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: i dont remember where it saves the demos to
ChimpNtheBug wants to send file thinkicheat.dem.
Aspkin01: lol
ChimpNtheBug: eww.... big files
Aspkin01: i knew it
ChimpNtheBug: i wasn't cheating until i restarted the server
ChimpNtheBug: i swera
ChimpNtheBug: swear
Aspkin01: its just your ping is better
ChimpNtheBug: after i closed it and restarted... then i started my hook
Aspkin01: 0 to 89
ChimpNtheBug: lol... cheating to non-cheating
ChimpNtheBug cancels request; the file will not be sent.
ChimpNtheBug: i'll send it later
Aspkin01: okay.
ChimpNtheBug: where'd you find yours?
Aspkin01: i forgot
ChimpNtheBug: hehe
ChimpNtheBug: still working on site?
Aspkin01: trying
ChimpNtheBug: lol
** 10/3/2002 (12:56:24 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: I FUCKING SWEAR!!!
Aspkin01: ?
ChimpNtheBug: i cheat, i get told "you're pretty good"
ChimpNtheBug: i DONT cheat, they tell me "fucking cheater!!"
Aspkin01: you wehre playing
Aspkin01: hah
Aspkin01: you do
** 10/3/2002 (12:57:34 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: ...
ChimpNtheBug: do what?
ChimpNtheBug: cheat?
Aspkin01: cheat
ChimpNtheBug: nope
ChimpNtheBug: dont cheat
Aspkin01: lol
Aspkin01: he
Aspkin01: y
Aspkin01: just to let you know, eveyrthing you say
Aspkin01: will be on teh webpage
Aspkin01: from two days ago
ChimpNtheBug: good!
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: huh?
ChimpNtheBug: even the porn thing???
ChimpNtheBug: yay!
Aspkin01: yes
ChimpNtheBug: haha
ChimpNtheBug: anyhow...
Aspkin01: anyhow?
ChimpNtheBug: the only time i've ever cheated was today when i was playin ur hackin ayass
Aspkin01: lol sure
Aspkin01: cheater
** 10/3/2002 (1:01:27 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: you just don't want to admit that you're not that good without hacks
ChimpNtheBug: so you lay it on someone else ..... hehe
Aspkin01: ...
ChimpNtheBug: it's true
Aspkin01: you cheat
ChimpNtheBug: i've been playin for almost 3 years now
Aspkin01: me too
ChimpNtheBug: been on OGL, ProvingGrounds, and numerous other ladders
ChimpNtheBug: and not ONCE in any tourney matches did i cheat
ChimpNtheBug: hmph!
ChimpNtheBug: i think i play worse with cheats
Aspkin01: i host next game, and no one cheats
ChimpNtheBug: how will i know you're not cheatin?
ChimpNtheBug: that first game tonight, i wasn't cheating
Aspkin01: because i say im not going to cehat
ChimpNtheBug: after i said "brb", then i went and "turned it on"
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: i dont lie
ChimpNtheBug: hey!!! i said i wasn't cheating!!!
ChimpNtheBug: hahaha!!!
Aspkin01: i dont trust you
ChimpNtheBug: ....
Aspkin01: your like my friend that always does, "....."
Aspkin01: i hate that
Aspkin01: i call him whay alot
Aspkin01: then he does ....
** 10/3/2002 (1:07:02 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: ...
Aspkin01: bastartd
ChimpNtheBug: i do that a lot too
Aspkin01: i know i hate that
ChimpNtheBug: ppl always say "what's up with the "...""
Aspkin01: i hate that
Aspkin01: just to piss you off, im toing to whitelikethisfromnowon
Aspkin01: okay
ChimpNtheBug: so when they say "what's up with the "..."," i go ".....!"
Aspkin01: ohic
ChimpNtheBug: ifyou'regoingtotypelikethis,youmightwanttospellcheckfirst
ChimpNtheBug: ^-^
Aspkin01: write
Aspkin01: youass
ChimpNtheBug: ....!
Aspkin01: abhlkasflkajf
Aspkin01: bah
Aspkin01: stop it
ChimpNtheBug: k...
ChimpNtheBug: whay
** 10/3/2002 (1:09:34 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: hey
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: http://www.fortunecity.com/tatooine/excession/507/
ChimpNtheBug: that's what i dont like... when ppl go "?"
ChimpNtheBug: and then you go "?" back, and they say "what"
Aspkin01: one i started
ChimpNtheBug: and you go, "nothing, you said ?"
ChimpNtheBug: and they say "nevermind"
ChimpNtheBug: i hate that
Aspkin01: metoo
ChimpNtheBug: whyisittakingsolongtoload?
Aspkin01: February 21, 2000
Aspkin01: itshouldent
Aspkin01: just the main page is there, no links work
ChimpNtheBug: it froze my compo dammit!
Aspkin01: lol
Aspkin01: weak
ChimpNtheBug: my comp is all messed up now!
Aspkin01: do i have to fix it again
ChimpNtheBug: prolly
Aspkin01: is your graphics card overclocked
Aspkin01: or pross
ChimpNtheBug: no
Aspkin01: ser
ChimpNtheBug: ?
Aspkin01: mhz
ChimpNtheBug: ahhh!!!!!!
ChimpNtheBug: my background is all fucked up!!?!?!!!!
Aspkin01: anything overclocked
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 1:13:15 AM.
Aspkin01: sad
Previous message was not received by ChimpNtheBug because of error: User ChimpNtheBug is not available.
** 10/3/2002 (1:44:22 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: damn women
Aspkin01 wants to directly connect.
ChimpNtheBug is now directly connected.
ChimpNtheBug: who is that?
Aspkin01: who
Aspkin01: my car
ChimpNtheBug: coo
** 10/3/2002 (1:54:15 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: i think i'm gonna go play cs
Aspkin01: em k
Aspkin01: lakjf
ChimpNtheBug: you gonna play at all tonight?
Aspkin01: like in a big server
ChimpNtheBug: yep
Aspkin01: find a server, i'll play
ChimpNtheBug: you can hack if you want to... but you better be on MY team
Aspkin01: lol i will
ChimpNtheBug: k, brb
ChimpNtheBug: damn HL froze
ChimpNtheBug: try this one...
Aspkin01: going
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 1:57:38 AM.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 1:58:19 AM.
ChimpNtheBug: nevermind.
Auto response from Aspkin01: Playing Cs
ChimpNtheBug: you find one
ChimpNtheBug: i alway sget shitty one
Aspkin01: yeah nice empty server
Aspkin01: brb
ChimpNtheBug: k
Auto response from Aspkin01: afk brb
Aspkin01: waht am i looking for
Aspkin01: 32
ChimpNtheBug: 24
Aspkin01: 20
ChimpNtheBug: 20-24
Auto response from Aspkin01: afk brb
ChimpNtheBug: going
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 2:03:00 AM.
ChimpNtheBug signed on at 2:10:36 AM.
Aspkin01: k
Auto response from ChimpNtheBug: I am away from my computer right now.
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 2:39:02 AM.
** 10/3/2002 (2:45:43 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: what happened
ChimpNtheBug: my computer wigged out!!
ChimpNtheBug: it froze, so i restared
Aspkin01: damn
Aspkin01: taht must suck, evey 10 minsitfreeezezezs
ChimpNtheBug: then, i opened up CS... and it worked... then my popup blocker gave an error
ChimpNtheBug: no shit
ChimpNtheBug: it sure does
ChimpNtheBug: i need new shit already
ChimpNtheBug: you still playin?
Aspkin01: nah, its late, going to sleep soon
ChimpNtheBug: true
ChimpNtheBug: i'm gonna eat dinner,then head to bed too
ChimpNtheBug: were u using ogc, or ak?
Aspkin01: ak
Aspkin01: ogc wont work there
ChimpNtheBug: how can u use that!!!
ChimpNtheBug: it just throws me off
Aspkin01: not me
ChimpNtheBug: you do a good job of hiding it
Aspkin01: lol
Aspkin01: i look
ChimpNtheBug: there was only one time i woulda though you cheated
Aspkin01: around boxes
ChimpNtheBug: the guy was behind the box
ChimpNtheBug: and you just around, and shottied his ass
Aspkin01: yeah, i didnt care
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: i jsut went for it
ChimpNtheBug: jumped rather
Aspkin01: i would come out altitle
ChimpNtheBug: so what does ak do?
ChimpNtheBug: just boxes
ChimpNtheBug: and lambert?
Aspkin01: and then shoot him when he shoots me
Aspkin01: yeah
ChimpNtheBug: i c
Aspkin01: not a big threat
Aspkin01: not like auto aim, anti flash
Aspkin01: etc
ChimpNtheBug: i c
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: super speed
Aspkin01: eyah
** 10/3/2002 (3:08:42 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: you ever go to consumptionjunction.com?
Aspkin01: neg
ChimpNtheBug: it's a fucked up site
Aspkin01: http://www.b0g.org/wsnm/news.php?cat=offensive&s=9eb9a54f8d84a0c4a3012d4b7dd3589b
Aspkin01: now thats fucked up shit
ChimpNtheBug: ....
ChimpNtheBug: eww.
ChimpNtheBug: same as this site
ChimpNtheBug: maybe worse
Aspkin01: i see
Aspkin01: ahh
Aspkin01: poor cat
Aspkin01: when they say dont look at this one, dont look at it
ChimpNtheBug: i know!
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 3:26:58 AM.
** 10/3/2002 (11:04:50 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: i deleted my index to my webpage....
Aspkin01: i dont know how but its not there
ChimpNtheBug: lol
ChimpNtheBug: dork
Aspkin01: temp page is up
ChimpNtheBug: addy?
Aspkin01: http://members.fortunecity.com/aspkin1/
Aspkin01: go to my online chat
Aspkin01: and chimpnthebug
Aspkin01: muhaha, updated daily
ChimpNtheBug: ass
Aspkin01: haha the porn question is there
Aspkin01: i jsut showed marcus it
ChimpNtheBug: ass
Aspkin01: 5secago
Aspkin01: not yorus
Aspkin01: his
ChimpNtheBug: ass
Aspkin01: not yours
ChimpNtheBug: ?
ChimpNtheBug: his ass?
Aspkin01: i'll take yours down if you want
ChimpNtheBug: no, it's cool
Aspkin01: i showed his aim message
ChimpNtheBug: i'm proud to be an avid porn viewer
Aspkin01: lol
ChimpNtheBug: it's "enticing"
** 10/3/2002 (11:13:28 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug (11:13:28 PM): ?
Aspkin01 (11:13:37 PM): ?
** 10/3/2002 (11:17:16 PM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: i gotta go pick up my keys from work. i'll be back later.
Aspkin01: lol okay
** 10/4/2002 (12:11:56 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: k
ChimpNtheBug signed off at 12:12:25 AM.
** 10/4/2002 (2:28:06 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
ChimpNtheBug: go to bed already
Aspkin01: soon
** 10/5/2002 (2:46:59 AM) IM with -ChimpNtheBug-
Aspkin01: sup
Aspkin01: hey
ChimpNtheBug: sup
Aspkin01: sopranos 68$
Aspkin01: nice
ChimpNtheBug: wow
ChimpNtheBug: good job
ChimpNtheBug: retails at 79?
Aspkin01: i need to buy some with my discount
ChimpNtheBug: lol
Aspkin01: 63.2 with discount
ChimpNtheBug: coo
ChimpNtheBug: small profit, but still
Aspkin01: not worth it